More Blocked Downpipe Woes

Blocked downpipe from two screws inserted

It’s not too often that a blocked downpipe betters me, only two in fact, and they were both cast iron so you are limited in what you can do. Technically speaking the figure is zero as both were flowing better after I finished but I digress. This one eventually got unblocked, but it had me […]

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Downpipe Blockage – Potatoes!

potatoes found growing in the downpipe hopper. i kid you not!

Yes, You’ve guessed it from the title, I found these potatoes growing in a hopper the other day. I don’t think they caused the downpipe blockage but as a consequence of the blockage, they were still in there.  Apologies for the picture but the camera on the phone is on the way out, but I […]

Cleaning Wooden Gutters

wooden gutter with tiles slipped

Manual Gutter Cleaning Cleaning wooden gutters requires special attention but again nearly all resolved with the use of ladders. Nearly all the wooden guttering jobs we have cleaned have needed manual cleaning and the use of ladders. They are usually high terraces, old, and have tiles slipped down into them or tiles hanging over making […]

Gutter Clean Hardest Jobs!

Sucking Horizontally

The most challenging gutter clean jobs we’ve had to clean are shown below. The first, was the conservatory below as you can see the conservatory backs onto both the rear of the property and the garage, making this extremely difficult for the property owner to clear by themselves. To compound the issue the owners were […]

Downpipe Blockages – Some Examples

a blockage extracted from a downpipe.

Downpipe and drainpipe blockages fall into two categories for clearing, straightforward & Complex. Whilst a complex series of bends and shallow angles is theoretically fine for water in ideal conditions. It is not the case for a big lump of moss or piece of mortar that can easily become stuck and start the blockage. If […]

What Causes a Blocked Gutter

Broken mortar making way to block the gutter.

There are obvious causes for a blocked gutter, such as leaves and moss. Once these mulch down they make great compost, couple that with the cross-pollination from wind, birds, insects etc and you’ve suddenly got grass growing. Also, there are great nooks and crannies in guttering for debris to shelter and hide. Where gullies meet […]

Blocked Gutters & Damp – Case Studies

a visable arch of Damp patch on the wall from dripping gutter.

Blocked guttering is one of the causes of damp and dampness in homes and buildings. I am in a position to be able to collect evidence on this and present it in a case study manner. Whilst I am nowhere near qualified to speak authoritatively on other causes, there are some links and other suggestions […]