Category: Gutter Clearing

Various, tips stories and examples from the jobs at some interesting gutter clearances if you’re interested in that kind of thing

Rainwater Harvesting & Micro Hydroelectric

Schematic showing concept of generating and storing electricity from rain fall

Pipe dream, yes pun intended, or coming to a gutter near you soon. Turns out some people from Exeter University have done the math and micro-hydroelectric generators in downpipes could be a thing. image from MDPI Open Access Journals Rainwater harvesting has been on my mind since I started cleaning gutters when I began to […]

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Shared Gutters & Downpipes

Quick flyer if you need to coordinate with a neibhbour

Shared gutters and downpipes with neighbouring properties are quite common but not everyone knows the email address of neighbours. They might be professional busy tenants, managed by an estate agent, students, vacant or you just might not get on. So coordinating work with a landlord, you and the neighbours bring their challenges. If you’re in […]

Nesting Birds & Gutter Clearance

Gutter cleaning Leeds leaflet. guttertidy business.

Nesting birds are not generally nesting in the gutter themselves, they are usually under the eves or in a nook somewhere. However, Do let us know if you suspect nesting birds. It is very important from a safety point of view, especially when working from ladders. This will not stop us from clearing a gutter, […]

Are Gutter Cleaning Vauccums any good? Ladders Vs Gutter Vacuum Technology

How many visually impaired people does it take to clean your gutter...none, just get mark from guttertidy to do it :-). its just a high gutter with debris, there pretty much all just pictures of gutters so your not missing much.

The short answer is yes, very good. Gutter vacuums effectively clean gutters to a good standard from the ground. However, they have limitations and ladders are still needed for specific tasks. Generally, this will be determined from any gutter inspection so make sure the gutter cleaning firm you are using provides you with a video […]

Hard to find address: try what 3 words

what 3 words logo

It doesn’t happen very often but confusion can occur about where a residence is, or more precisely, the entrance to a residence is. If you have one of those hard-to-find areas, try what 3 words. It is a mapping system designed to more accurately find areas. Visit the what 3 words website to get the […]

Repairs & Fixes – What we can do.

blocked downpiped caused by gutter too long

It’s not always just blockages and dirt that are causing issues with the guttering. Sometimes seals are missing, brackets have come away other small issues happen that need fixing. We will always try to attempt to figure out what’s happening and fix where we can. Sometimes, however, the issue is larger and cannot be sorted […]

More Blocked Downpipe Woes

Blocked downpipe from two screws inserted

It’s not too often that a blocked downpipe betters me, only two in fact, and they were both cast iron so you are limited in what you can do. Technically speaking the figure is zero as both were flowing better after I finished but I digress. This one eventually got unblocked, but it had me […]